A Platform Where Writers And Readers Meet
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A digital campaign to shine light on Sing Lit.



Why #StayHomeStayLit2020?

A lot of us felt that Sing Lit could bring great comfort and joy to everyone at home. Our digital campaign therefore aims to:

Commission artists and writers during the circuit breaker to support them and their works.

Bring attention to independent bookstores and local publishers to ensure they can stay afloat during this time.

Provide Singaporeans with ample reading material to keep their spirits up.

We're asking people to share reviews of a Sing Lit book they loved or are currently reading with the hashtag #StayHomeStayLit along with a note of where the book can be bought from. We’re also asking authors to take over our Instagram account and answer a bunch of fun questions on IG Stories!

Follow us via @singlitstation to check out the fun.



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