"Deeds of Light", Tse Hao Guang

"Deeds of Light", Tse Hao Guang
Poetry, 53 pages
Published by Math Paper Press, 2015
Shortlisted for the 2016 Singapore Literature Prize (English Poetry)
The city is a prism through which ordinary life, at first a seeming undifferentiated white, splits into its constituent colours. In Deeds of Light, words are prisms through which experiences are revealed. Belying a desire to make new and bright the usual ways of talking about place and belonging, these poems in both form and content navigate the myriad ways in which the sound of speech and the habits of culture interact and assert themselves.
About the Author:
Assembled with parts from Hong Kong and Malaysia, Tse Hao Guang is interested in form and formation, creativity and quotation, lyrics and line breaks. His chapbook is hyperlinkage (Math Paper Press, 2013). He graduated from the Masters of Arts Program in the Humanities at the University of Chicago in 2014 with a concentration in poetry and creative writing, and co-edits the cross-genre, collaborative literary journal OF ZOOS, as well as UnFree Verse, an anthology of Singapore poetry in received and nonce forms. He serves as the critical essays editor of Poetry.Sg, an online repository of local verse, as well as a directory of the people who write it.