26 Feb 2022, 10AM - 4PM @ HAPPEN.SG, JALAN BESAR</p> — Sing Lit Station
A Platform Where Writers And Readers Meet

26 Feb 2022, 10AM - 4PM @ HAPPEN.SG, JALAN BESAR

Sing Lit Blk Party


A hybrid event to come together as a community
and celebrate the books that carried us through the year. ❤️‍


Join us for our Sing Lit Blk Party on Saturday 26 February from 10am – 4pm for an “otterly” fun afternoon from 10am to 4pm, at the most happening venue, or on our livestream!  This hybrid event is an invitation to come together as a community to celebrate the books that carried us through the year.

With a variety of exciting events and activities for all ages and reading abilities, from panel discussions to interactive games and activities, and workshops to storytelling sessions, we are confident that there will be something for everyone to enjoy.

Saturday, 26 February 2022

Time: 10AM – 4PM

Sing Lit Station, 22 Dickson Road #02-01, Singapore 209506 | Happen.SG @ Jalan Besar, 27A | Livestreamed on Sing Lit Station’s Facebook Live

Tickets: $5 refundable ticket per physical event. Please refer to the T&Cs at each event page.
Walk-ins are welcomed as long as guests are fully vaccinated, not showing any flu symptoms and we are within the venue capacity. Register to avoid disappointment!


10AM - 3PM | Sing Lit & Mental Health: 4 Acts of Life Workshop

Workshop Facilitator: Serene Goh from the Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH)’s Creative Mindset Hub.
This workshop will take place at Sing Lit Station.

Our favourite books are not simply words on a page; they can also be portals to different worlds, friends in lonely seasons, and sculptors of our world view. Some books on our shelf also serve as relief for our internal struggles, they bear witness to our pain and offer pathways to navigate through it. We wanted to facilitate space for this relief in a workshop hosted by a mental health professional from Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH)'s Creative Mindset Hub. Participants will explore the themes of Forgiveness, Thankfulness, Love and Letting Go while meditating on the "to let the light in" poetry anthology. Register here:  https://sls4actsoflife.peatix.com

 The workshop will be in two parts:
10AM - 12PM: Part 1 - Regret and Gratitude
1PM - 3PM: Part 2 - Love and Goodbyes


11AM - 12PM | Emerging Warmer: A Climate Manifesto for Sing Lit?

Featuring: Carolyn Oei (Moderator), Esther Vincent Xueming, Robert Zhao Renhui, and Ang Xiao Ting.
This panel will take place at Happen.SG, Jalan Besar and livestreamed on Sing Lit Station’s Facebook page.

We believe art practitioners have a responsibility to bear witness to the climate crisis and expand society’s vision for its future. Come hear our panelists discuss climate grief, target audiences and their visions for the environment and local arts scene in the next 5 years. Join moderator Carolyn Oei for an engaged discussion with Esther Vincent, Robert Zhao Renhui and Ang Xiao Ting on how the arts can respond to the realities of a warmer world. Register here: https://slbp-emergingwarmer.peatix.com 


1PM - 2PM | Sing Lit Multiverse: The Many Lives of A Story

Featuring: : Chong Lingying (Moderator), Balli Kaur Jaswal, Lee Thean-jeen, and Suffian Hakim.
This panel will take place at Happen.SG, Jalan Besar and livestreamed on Sing Lit Station’s Facebook page.

There is more than one way to tell a story – and an universe of mediums to tell it on. Sing Lit has weaved its way into multiple planes of existence, with many titles being adapted into films, television series and video games. How does this literary multiverse influence the way that stories are told and books are published? What are some of the trends and what does it spell for the future of Sing Lit? Join moderator Chong Lingying and panellists Balli Kaur Jaswal, Suffian Hakim and Lee Thean-jeen as they discuss their experience with adapting Sing Lit. Register for the event here: https://slbp-singlitmultiverse.peatix.com


3PM - 4PM | In Kahoots with Sing Lit: An Afternoon of Trivia

Get ready for a trivia extravaganza as audience members go head-to-head on the Kahoot app. Battling each other in a game of wits and obscure knowledge, participants will race to the finish line with the most points to win some great prizes!

Join us online or in person for an hour of fun, humour and mind-boggling shenanigans. Fancy yourself a Trivia Master? Sign up to take part in our trivia extravaganza here: https://singlitkahoots.peatix.com


ALL DAY | On The Fringe: Presented by SLS Writing Groups

Only available for those who turn up to the party in the physical realm, three SLS Writing Groups have organised a variety of activities for Sing Lit Blk Party goers.

 Zines! with the Rainbow Fictioneers
Looking for a creative adventure this weekend? Come visit the Rainbow Fictioneers' zine-making booth to create your very own zine based on a Sing Lit-inspired writing prompt. Sign up via the link in our bio to join in!  
Register for a slot here: https://tinyurl.com/zinerainbowfic

Tarot X Sing Lit
Maybe you've been to the book clinic, but have you ever met a book mystic? /Stop @ Bad End rhymes (/s@ber)’s Tarot X Sing Lit booth offers a read for a read... come have your future read and in turn, receive a book recommendation to guide your earthly endeavours. Don’t leave this up to the fates, click the link in our bio to book a slot and let these diviners show you the way…
Register for a slot here: https://tinyurl.com/tarotxsinglit

Poetry Claw Machine by Ministry of Noise
Claw your way over to our poetry claw machine booth and try your hand at picking up prized literary gems. Stand a chance to snatch some poetry by the members of Ministry of Noise or QR codes to spoken word playlists curated by MoN members. No registration is required.


ALL DAY | What’s The Matter, Mister Monster?

Check out our newest collaboration: a mystery-puzzle video game developed with Andas Productions, based on the short story, “SIN”, from Ng Yi-Sheng’s 𝘓𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘊𝘪𝘵𝘺. You play as a civil servant in the inaugural Fog Creature Assimilation Task Force, handling the complaints desk for a menagerie of grotesque, otherworldly creatures that have landed on our shores.

HINT: Check our social media on Saturday to get the link to play the game from home!