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Poems on the MRT

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Melayah Tabah Ke Mercu Jaya / Sailing Steadfastly to the Pinnacle of Success by Nordita Taib


Kau terhimpit di celah kelompok merpati
berebut rezeki di tanah makmur ini
namun kau gagal mengecapi walaupun sekelumit rezeki
Sedaya upaya kau berusaha 
melepaskan diri dari cengkaman kegelapan
Kau mengiraikan sayapmu
melayah menggendong ilmu
mengepit segunung impian
di dalam ketekalan berusaha
tersemat kesabaran di dada
Layahlah kau ke mercu kejayaan
sesekali tunjukkan kepedulian
insan di bawah jua punya harapan
setetes kau curahkan
bersinarlah kehidupan
Bagaikan roda yang berputar hidup ini
andai dikehendaki-Nya terjadi
perubahan kehidupan itu pasti
Hiasilah hari-harimu dengan pakaian kesyukuran
semakin indah pakaian kesyukuran itu,
semakin melimpah keberkatan anugerah kurniaan.

Sailing Steadfastly to the Pinnacle of Success
Written by Nordita Taib
Translated by Annaliza Bakri

You're wedged between pigeons
fighting over scraps in this land of plenty
and you can't even get out with a peck edgewise
You flap for escape
from the grasp of darkness
you reckon your wings
gliding while bearing knowledge
clasping a mountain of dreams
while hanging on
You wear your persistence on your breast
flying towards the summit of success
once in a while, a thought
for those below who also harbour hope
you let loose a drop
and everything is illuminated
Like the spinning wheel of life
and if He wills
Everything is transformed
Adorn your days in gratitude
the more beautiful the garment
the more bountiful the gift

Published in Kayu Api (2021)

Nordita Taib was educated at Duchess Primary School (1967-1972) and Sang Nila Utama Secondary School (1973-1976). Several of her writings have been published in various anthologies and collections as well as by the Singaporean Malay paper Berita Harian/Berita Minggu. She received an Honourable Mention (Malay Poetry) at the Golden Point Award in 2013. Nordita has also collaborated with local songwriters and muscians. As a songwriter, she came in first place for a Raya song writing competition organised by Wisma Geylang Serai in 2021.



Poems on the MRT is an initiative by the National Arts Council, in partnership with SMRT and Stellar Ace. Produced by Sing Lit Station, a local literary non-profit organisation, this collaboration displays excerpts of Singapore poetry throughout SMRT’s train network, integrating local literature into the daily experience of commuters. Look out for poems in English, Chinese, Malay, and Tamil in trains on the East-West, North-South and Circle Lines, as well as videos created by local artists and featuring local poets in stations and on trains. The Chinese, Malay, and Tamil poems are available in both the original languages and English. To enjoy the full poems, commuters may read them on go.gov.sg/potm.

Sing Lit StationMalay