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Poems on the MRT

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Rayuan Asmara / Pleas of Romance by Muhammad Ariff Ahmad


Kerana senyummu yang basah
hatiku jadi resah gelisah
perasaanku melambung ke langit biru
dilamun khayal ke alam merindu…

Sebab kerlinganmu yang manis
rohku selalu tersedu menangis
semangatku terbang lenyap berbatu
seperti takkan kembali lagi ke jasadku…

Dek lenggangmu wei sayang
fikiranku hilang terbang melayang
siumanku undur membawa diri
meninggalkan badan tidak bererti…

Sungguh hebat seranganmu. O kasih
datang menubi tak dapat kusisih
menusuk jiwa si sebatang kara
tenggelam dalam badai asmara.!

rentikanlah godaanmu wei jelita
tak tertahan rasanya aku menderita…

Marilah berdamai kita sekarang
berpimpin tangan menuju terang!

Marilah kita berikrar, O molek
benda yang pipih jangan digolek
kelak cedera wujud nan asal
tidak nan habis kita menyesal.!

untuk Asmara di Batu Pahat
Jymy Asmara di Singapura
Ahmady Asmara di Pulau Pinang

Ahad, 9 November 1947
RF2 Sultan Idris Training College
Tanjung Malim, Perak
majalah TERANG BULAN [2] Pulau Pinang, November 1947

Pleas of Romance
Written by Muhammad Ariff Ahmad
Translated by Alfian Sa’at

Because of your dewy smile
my heart becomes restless
my feelings soar to the blue sky
daydreaming in the realm of longing…

Because of your sweet sidelong glance
my soul is always wracked with sobs
my spirit flies miles away
as if it would never return to my body…

Because of your swaying hands, love
my mind drifts and becomes lost
my sanity takes its leave
deserting this body devoid of meaning…

How powerful are your attacks. O, the love
that bombards me I am powerless to evade
it pierces my lonely soul
as I drown in the tempest of romance!

Please cease. Cease your enchantment, beautiful one
I can hardly endure my suffering…
Let us make peace with each other now
Clasping hands towards the light!

Let us make a vow, O beauty
What is already flat should not be flattened
Lest we spoil its original form
And regret it to no end!

Published in Sumbangsih MAS: Koleksi Puisi Pilihan (Singapore: National Library Board, 2012)

Dr Muhammad Ariff bin Ahmad was better known by his pen name MAS, Muhammad Ariff Singapura. He was born in Kampong Tiong, Singapore. He is affectionately known as the people's cikgu. Dr Ariff was an award-winning writer, a community leader, and a lecturer of the Institute of Education, Singapore. Dr Ariff had been writing since his school-going days. Although he had many talents, he chose to focus on writing. In his youth, he dreamt of being a full-time writer. Nonetheless, he led many local and regional Malay language teachers and the Malay community with his wisdom, dedication and vast knowledge of Malay language, literature and culture.



Poems on the MRT is an initiative by the National Arts Council, in partnership with SMRT and Stellar Ace. Produced by Sing Lit Station, a local literary non-profit organisation, this collaboration displays excerpts of Singapore poetry throughout SMRT’s train network, integrating local literature into the daily experience of commuters. Look out for poems in English, Chinese, Malay, and Tamil in trains on the East-West, North-South and Circle Lines, as well as videos created by local artists and featuring local poets in stations and on trains. The Chinese, Malay, and Tamil poems are available in both the original languages and English. To enjoy the full poems, commuters may read them on go.gov.sg/potm.

Sing Lit StationMalay