In this course, we will explore the use of horror, myths, and fairy tales in literary fiction as ways of transcending genre boundaries and raise questions. In each workshop session we will read samples of literary fiction that deploy and rewrite familiar tropes and genres, particularly horror, myths, and fairy tales. How does the experiment with genres allow writers to interrogate boundaries of gender, class, and race? What does it mean to retell a familiar story in a different cultural context? Each week participants will do workshop exercises to explore themes, character, plot, and setting in the context of literature that crosses boundaries. At the end of the course, each participant will produce a short story or a novel excerpt.
VENUE: NTU@one-north
ADDRESS: 11 Slim Barracks Rise, Singapore 138664
EVENT WEBSITE: for more information
5, 11, 19, 26 Nov 2023, 2pm-5pm
3, 10 Dec 2023, 2pm-5pm