If you work and do your best
You'll get the sack like all the rest.
But if you laze around and bugger about
You'll live to see the job right out.
The work is hard - the pay is small
So take your time and sod them all.
'Cos when you're dead you'll be forgot,
So don't try to do the bloody lot.
Or on your tombstone neatly laquered,
Those famous words:
"Just Bleeding Knackered"!
Join us on our continued journey in providing space for our talented poets and bringing them together in one platform.
This session will be hosted by Rea, presented by Migrant Writers of Singapore and supported by Sing Lit Station.
VENUE: Migrant Writers of Singapore (Facebook Live)
LINK: https://www.facebook.com/Migrant-Writers-of-Singapore-535923550127166/
22 May 2022, 2.30pm-4pm