The epoch we live in has been described as "Postmodern". As contested as the term is, the rise of fake news, conspiracy theorists, populism, and late-capitalist Nihilism attest to a new age of fracture and terror. Yet, Postmodernism has also brought us out of the self-assured dogmatisms of modernity and unravelled many once thoroughly calcified assumptions about sex, gender, morality, and truth. What then should we make of Postmodernity, such that we neither give up our contemporary advances nor revert back to our old ways?
This talk expounds on the epistemic, social, and existential ramifications of Postmodernity by surveying conceptions of postmodernity advanced by Gilles Deleuze, Jean-François Lyotard, Alain Badiou, and Frederic Jameson - comparing their various affinities and disagreements. Finally, I offer some pathways and responses to Postmodernity, and the stakes laid out by each.
VENUE: Sing Lit Station
ADDRESS: 22 Dickson Road, #02-01, Singapore 209506
EVENT WEBSITE: Facebook, Google Forms (for registration)
12 Oct 2022, 7.15pm-8.30pm