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LAUNCH: "Best New Singaporean Short Stories Vol. 5", ed. Balli Kaur Jaswal

Short stories may be brief in length but they contain as much, if not more, of an emotional punch than a novel. Plus, just like time capsules, short stories comment more immediately on present society than novels, and provide an important literary record of a given moment in time.

Join us for the official book launch of Best New Singaporean Short Stories Vol. 5 as we look back onto stories that were published just before the pandemic, as well as in its first year. In this age of survival, short stories carry the weight of such turbulent times without offering any easy answers. From grief and loss, to our longing to understand tradition and heritage, these short stories present familiar themes that invite the reader to pay attention to a world filled with tumult—or hope, depending on how you look at it.

This virtual panel will be moderated by guest editor and internationally bestselling author Balli Kaur Jaswal and series editor Jason Erik Lundberg, and joined by three panelists—Ng Yi-Sheng, Anitta Thanabalan and Jayashree Panicker—who have contributed stories to the book.

VENUE: Epigram Books (Facebook Live)
LINK: https://www.facebook.com/epigrambooks/

27 Nov 2021, 2pm–3pm