《战后新马华文小说评论》is a new book of literary criticism by Singaporean writer Lee Chuan Low analysing seminal short stories by 24 Chinese writers created from the post-war decades of 1945 to 1965, most of whom have been forgotten by history.
Through years of research, Lee unearths unique flavours of these post-war literature, which are often marked by a strong anti-colonial sentiment, social realist portrayals of living conditions, as well as depictions of the Chinese education system and labour movements. In this session based on the book, Lee goes in dialogue with featured veteran writers Xie Ke and Xia Bin, to analyse the content and styles of the wealth of literature produced in these tumultuous years of recovery and reconciliation, shedding light on their contemporary relevance.
This talk is conducted in Mandarin.
李选楼《战后新马华文小说评论》(1945年--1965年) 内容简介
它展现了战后,新马逐渐走向独立的生活内容。作家们先是对二战期间日本法西斯的残酷作出控诉。从战争时期人们的痛不欲生,到劫后余生的描写,提醒人们和平与 自由的可贵。小说不乏侨民心态的描绘。尤其重要的是作品体现出人民的反殖斗争和争取民主的精神。英国殖民地主义者重回新马,更是激起人们的反殖情绪。他们施行的残酷政策,社会龙蛇混杂,穷困的民间生活,严重的屋荒,华教问题,胶园状况,工潮和学运,底层人民的挣扎,青年对理想的追求,都是作者的创作题材。这些内容,是新马独立前夕社会的一面镜子。小说深刻地反映了人们对英殖民统治的不满,也助长了新马走向独立自主的历史进程。
《战后新马华文小说评论》分上下两册,对战后这一时期二十四位小说家,包括夏霖、姚紫、韩萌、白寒、苗秀、丘絮絮、洛萍、谢克、陈全、韦晕、于沫我、貂问湄、李汝琳、铁流、黛丁、赵戎、谢 明、李过、宋雅、马阳、征雁、贺巾、莽原等的作品作出评论。他们的小说,反映的正是这一历史阶段的社会轮廓。
VENUE: The Arts House (Blue Room)
ADDRESS: 1 Old Parliament Ln, Singapore 179429
EVENT WEBSITE: The Arts House, Peatix (for registration)
4 Aug 2018, 2pm–3.30pm