Come in for the latest edition of Lepak Readings, organised by pioneer artist Lee Wen and held at Independent Archive. Special guest Luis H. Francia will be reading his poetry and followed by Midori Yamamura, who will reveal unexpected, unheard tales below the sun and moon yet.
Luis H. Francia has had five poetry books published. The latest volume is Tattered Boat (2014). Noted also for his writing prose, plays and now teaches at New York University and at Hunter College. This spring term, he was Visiting Professor of Creative Writing and Literature at Ateneo de Manila University.
Midori Yamamura (who wrote an introduction to Lee Wen's recent exhibition at 3331 Gallery) is giving a workshop in the National Gallery on artists from the Philippines that involves ephemeral media and time-based practices on 29 July. She is the JPJS Postdoctoral Fellow with Tokyo Research Institute for Cultural Properties.
VENUE: Independent Archive
ADDRESS: 67 Aliwal Street, Singapore 199942
30 Jul 2017, 2pm-5pm